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My Dreams - wWw.MaNoO2.parsiblog.com


Hi every body

Today I want to speak about my dreams to you.

When I was child. like to every child boy I wanted to be football player in the future.

every day I played football whit my friends. even without them,

I played football alone,

I was very happy.

When I was a teenager, every day I practiced football for do a test in football club

.at that time I played the guitar too but I didn’t very professional 

a day when I went to park whit my friend, there was he saw his friend.

His name was ali and we talked about music together.

"He was a singer and he told me " you can be a good singer in future,

tomorrow come whit me to studio.

At that day i changed my purpose. Although   I loved the football very much but I decided be singer and songlyrices.

now in the Iranian music I trying be successful and at 12 years ago until now I felt hard and

I should be a famous singer and song lyrics in my country. It is my dream



   20  January 





تاریخ : یکشنبه 97/10/30 | 9:45 صبح | نویسنده : BeHzAd.GHoORcHiaN | نظرات ()
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